Tell me about the last aircraft you flew in.

Tell me about the last aircraft you flew in.

Example answer for a candidate with previous Seneca experience:


Max all up weight – take off 4570lbs Max all up weight – landing 4340lbs Empty weight - 2830lbs Usefull load - 1740lbs


Clean stall 66kts with flaps 60kts Vyse 89kts Cruise 140kts gear raising 107kts – lowering 129kts. Vne 195

The 6 cyclinder teledyne continental turbo- charged, fuel injected engines provide 200 hp at 2575.

Left engine rotated clockwise and right anti clockwise.

No critical engine, RayGay turbo’s 42” MAP, 40” limit at lower levels, cowl flaps provide cooling and has 3 positions, open mid and closed.

Avgas 100/130

Props 2 or 3 blade, constant speed, hydraulically actuated, fully feathering.

Oil keeps props at fine pitch, gas and air keep the rpm towards feather. Takes 6 seconds to feather and must happen before locks engage at 800 rpm.

Limit load factor 3.8G

Fuel 2 x 54 (64US) gallons tanks 8 quarts oil max 6 Min

Retractable gear – hydraulic pumps – electrically driven. 6-7 seconds transit

Nose gear has 27 degrees castor.

Main wheels 55psi, nose wheel 31psi

Cable operated controls, all moving stabilator with anti servo tab which acts as a trim.

Frise ailerons and differential ailerons, up more than down.

Manual flaps, 3 settings, 10, 25, 40 degrees.

4.5” – 5.2” hg suction – AH, DI.

Heated lift deflectors and stall warners, anti ice.

What is the effect of weight on the glide range?

What is the effect of weight on the glide range?

The glide range is not affected by the weight. Howver Vmd is. The heavier the aircraft, the higher the Vmd.

What do you know about carb icing? Would you experience it today?

What do you know about carb icing? Would you experience it today?

Carb icing can occur in the engine induction system and in the carburettor of piston engines.

Regarding the second question, mention the conditions in which carb icing can occur and if it would be possible on that particular day.

Conditions for carb icing: when OAT is between -10 & +30, with high humidity (greater than 40%) and/or visible moisture.

What is the range of a VOR?

What is the range of a VOR?

VOR stations are fairly short range: the signals are line of sight between transmitter and receiver and are useful for up to 200 miles.

Each station broadcasts a VHF radio composite signal including the navigation signal, station's identifier and voice, if so equipped.

If turboprops are more efficient aircraft, why do they not climb that high?

If turboprops are more efficient aircraft, why do they not climb that high?

Jet engines are designed to achieve their best specific fuel consumption at high rpm, which can only be achieved at high altitudes where the air density is low.

Thrust produced will be low enough to equal the required cruising thrust. Also high altitude gives the best operating conditions for the airframe i.e. minimum drag during the cruise.

Turboprops need relatively dense air for the propellers to work efficiently and at high altitude the density would be too low.

What is the critical angle of attack?

What is the critical angle of attack?

The angle between the chordline and the incoming airflow.

What is the fuel capacity of the Boeing 737–800?

What is the fuel capacity of the Boeing 737–800?

20.020 litres (twenty thousand and twenty litres), about 15 tons.

What is an orographic cloud?

What is an orographic cloud?

An orographic cloud is formed as the air rises up the slope and will often envelope the summit.

When the air is humid, some of the moisture will fall on the windward slope and on the summit of the mountain.

Does a jet have a critical engine? Why yes or no?

Does a jet have a critical engine? Why yes or no?

No, there is no P-factor (asymmetric blade effect) as on a propeller-driven aircraft.

How can you calculate the Operating Mass?

How can you calculate the Operating Mass?

OM = DOM + crew and fuel

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